Beyond Delay Review
Six months ago I would never have considered talking about this topic with my closest friends, let alone broadcasting this all over the internet.
But a lot has changed since then and now I’m at a point where I’m ready to talk about premature ejaculation. Specifically my struggles with premature ejaculation and a review of a training program I used to try to overcome (excuse the pun) this longtime problem in my private life.
My Experience With Premature Ejaculation
The program I’m reviewing is called Beyond Delay and “Yes”, is highly recommended for any guy who wants to train himself to last longer in bed. But before I get into the details of the program specifically, I think it will be helpful to talk about my own personal situation and my struggles with premature ejaculation.
I have struggled with premature ejaculation for as long as I have been sexually active and I’d say it was in the moderate range. I could usually last a few minutes although sometimes I would ejaculate almost immediately after penetration, and on one embarrassing occasion, before.
I was hoping that I would “grow out of it so to speak but after 8 years I was still unable to last in bed to any meaningful extent and it became evident that this problem was having a detrimental effect on my relationships.
In the past, I had tried a few things to last longer in bed. Mostly bits and pieces of advice I found floating around the internet such as Kegels, the stop-start technique, and trying to distract myself during sex. None of this made much of a difference.
What Is Beyond Delay A How Does It Work
The program I used was called Beyond Delay
What Is Ejaculatory Training?
Well, I’m glad you asked because this is the main bulk of this training method and it’s where you’ll get the most out of it.
How Long Does The Training Take?
I completed the entire course in about 5 weeks.
How Much Does Beyond Delay Cost?
I think most of you if you are anything like I was are not going to be too worried about the cost.